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Medvedev after Putin? Kremlin urges alert over presidential decision gossipy tidbits


Kremlin squeeze secretary Dmitry Peskov has remarked on the bits of gossip about Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's conceivable cooperation in the 2018 presidential crusade, with a demand to hold "astuteness and incongruity" when perusing mysterious web sources.

On Thursday, columnists asked Peskov, squeeze secretary to President Vladimir Putin, to remark on the theory about Medvedev's wants to keep running for the administration in 2018, alluding to the prevalent Telegram delivery person application station, Nezygar, the creator of which likes to stay unknown. Message, which was produced in Russia, enables clients to make supposed 'channels' – information sustains like online journals, yet without remarks or some other criticism from perusers.

Peskov said he didn't know how to answer the inquiry if Putin and Medvedev had ever talked about the issue, however included that as he would see it journalists who read Telegram stations should "hold reason, intelligence and incongruity." He likewise said that the inquiry ought to be routed to Prime Minister Medvedev himself. "As a matter of fact, somebody made this inquiry yesterday and he addressed it," Peskov noted.

On Wednesday, Medvedev was asked by newspaper news site on the off chance that he proposed to partake in the decisions "this year." "No, there are no races booked during the current year," Medvedev stated, however did not answer the ensuing enquiry about the 2018 presidential crusade.

The official begin of the 2018 presidential crusade must occur in mid-December, after the Federation Council sets the correct date of the survey – which is relied upon to be March 18, the commemoration of Crimea's reunification with Russia. Up until this point, a few Russian government officials, superstars and media-canny identities have reported their goal to run. Among the most noticeable are Liberal-Democratic Party pioneer Vladimir Zhirinovsky; Yabloko Party organizer Grigory Yavlinsky; against debasement blogger-turned-restriction lawmaker Alexey Navalny (who is legitimately prohibited from support due to an unserved suspended sentence), and socialite magazine supervisor Ksenia Sobchak.

Occupant President Vladimir Putin has not yet unveiled his designs concerning the 2018 crusade. In squeeze remarks he has clarified this by the assertion that once he makes any unmistakable declaration "everybody in the nation would quit working."

Medvedev is one of Putin's nearest partners and the leader of the Russian parliamentary larger part party United Russia. Putin by and by sponsored Medvedev's presidential bid before the 2008 races, which Medvedev won with more than 70 percent of votes.

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