English Edition

One thing you learn in this employment is that the Presidency and the Vice Presidency is greater than any of us.

Barack Obama guarantees 'smooth move' with Donald Trump group consequential convulsion decision result

The President will end his hush over after the unprecedented decision of Donald Trump the previous evening

Barack Obama has represented the first run through since the stun decision result, promising a "smooth move" with Donald Trump's group.

Talking outside the White House close by Vice President Jo Biden, he said: " 

He kidded about a video he had discharged: "I said paying little respect to which side you are on in the decision, paying little mind to which applicant won or lost, the sun will come up in the morning.

"What's more, that is one piece of foreseeing that really worked out as expected."

He said he'd saluted Donald Trump on his triumph the previous evening at around 3.30am, and welcomed him to the White House to talk about transitional courses of action.

He included: "its a dependable fact that the President choose and I have some truly huge contrasts. Be that as it may, recall, eight years prior, President Bush and I had some entirely critical contrasts.

"However, President Bush's group couldn't have been more expert and more charitable in ensuring that we had a smooth move so we could get down to business."

He said he "couldn't be prouder" of Hillary Clinton, who he said had spent her whole life out in the open administration.

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