English Edition

Enda Kenny had a 10-minute telephone call with Donald Trump the previous evening

ENDA KENNY had a 10-minute telephone call with US President-choose Donald Trump the previous evening. 

An announcement from the Government Press Office says that Kenny addressed the Republican, who scored a huge bombshell triumph over Hillary Clinton yesterday.

The Taoiseach affirmed that Irish pioneers will be welcome to the White House next St Patrick's Day.

The announcement peruses:

"Amid a 10 minute discussion the Taoiseach complimented Mr Trump on his appointive achievement and both men focused on cooperating to the common event of Ireland and the United States.


Trump will today make a beeline for Washington DC for converses with Barack Obama.

48 hours after Trump's disturbed win, the 70-year-old President-choose will get an opportunity to gauge the curtains in front of his January initiation.

It could be a profoundly uneasy meeting for two men who have competed more than once.

Trump has addressed whether Obama was conceived in the United States — a proposal loaded down with profound racial hints — and the Democratic president has depicted the big name businessperson as "remarkably unfit" to be president.

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