English Edition

Donald Trump said- Mexico are criminals

United State - A Mexican man who was expelled from the United States yesterday dedicated suicide by hopping from an extension that isolates the two nations.

Conceived in the condition of Sinaloa in Mexico, Guadalupe Olivas Valencia, 44, kicked the bucket in the wake of hopping from the extension, specialists said. He seized a height of 100 meters.

A few witnesses said Guadalupe are in an extremely discouraged in the wake of being expelled to Mexico for the third time.

The disaster happened after President Donald Trump guaranteed to expel a large number of unlawful migrants  living in the US.

Trump beforehand held Mexican outsiders as culprits and pledged to enhance the removal of illicit migrants, to assemble a divider along the US-Mexico outskirt and confine individuals from seven Muslim-larger part nation from entering the superpower

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