
Angela Merkel said Islam is not the cause of violence

Germany - Counselor of Germany, Angela Merkel focused on that Islam is not the reason for the widespread viciousness that at present, while researchers and Islamic nations need to revolt against the fundamentalists to disclose the issue to the world group.

Tending to the Munich Security Conference on Sunday, Merkel underlined the significance of close collaboration among Islamic nations keeping in mind the end goal to evacuate Daesh activist gathering, Boko Haram and universal psychological militants.

Merkel said that the Islamic nations ought to contribute in light of the fact that through it, the matter can persuade general society that Islam is not the wellspring of psychological oppression but rather just a misconception.

"I expect the specialists of Islam will ascend and harder to proclaim Islam as a religion of peace and is very surprising from the savagery submitted for the sake of Islam.

"We as a non-Muslim can not do, but rather ought to be finished by the specialists and researchers," he said.

Merkel plainly, it had talked about the issue of psychological oppression amid his meeting with Prime Minister of Turkey, Binali Yildirim.

"I have quite recently talked about this issue with Yildirim and we know particularly Turkey as a nation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) got an extraordinary risk not just from activists Daesh, even Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)," he said.

In the interim, Merkel said that European nations can not make progress in the battle against fear mongering without the support of the United States (US) and is prepared to proceed with collaboration with Russia, particularly business Daesh busted in Syria 

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